For Investors
This AgroTourism project is active seeking funding to purchase and develop properties located in the European Union. The present economic climate has created the ideal time to buy real estate and the start the change of use from strictly agricultural use to a combination of uses. There are downward pressures on real estate prices throughout the industry although properties at the top end of the market are more resistant to downward pressures that those in the in to mid to lower price range. The first target area is France and estate properties of over 80 ha. A more detailed outline of how the properties will be developed appears elsewhere but broadly the develop of these rural properties will include boutique hotel accommodation, recreational pursuits, arts and crafts and traditional farming.
Set out below is the Executive Summary of how funds will be raised from investors. Please note that these services are not available to US passport holders:
Executive Summary
AgroTourism Limited, is a holding company for three separate sub-corporations, with related but distinct products, services, markets and opportunities. This business plan consolidates the three subdivisions of the AgroT business plan into a well-balanced offering of high quality customer service, branded, well-accepted commercial investments, and our own lines of speciality banking products and secondary services to compliment each division's efforts. The Group can begin operations within 90 days of funding. AgroT is a corporation formed under the Laws of the England. Each sub-corporation will be incorporated in Switzerland for legal reasons, and to facilitate accounting procedures and administration. AgroT will be responsible for disseminating information about the Group, Group goals, projected growth, venture capital requirements, startup costs, investment analysis and industry trends (Business Plan).
Blaues Wasser Real Estate Brokerage Division (anstalt to be formed in Switzerland) will be responsible for the indetification of investment properties, acquisitions, dispositions, and management. This company will be headed by Mr. Paul Anthony licensed real estate broker with 20 years experience in land, developments, and commercial properties. A co-director Mrs. Elizabeth Anthony, licensed in real estate sales, is a specialist in residential properties and interior design and will advise on residential properties.
Blauer Mond Company Formation Services Division (anstalt to be formed in Switzerland) will be responsible for working with potential investors. It will be headed by Dr. Buchbinder (Pro-Videntia Sarl & Sovereign Trust (Switzerland) Ltd.), who has over 10 years experience in banking, working with investors, company formation and tax reduction. Dr. Buchbinder is a businessman and a law graduate. He will work with clients and recommend the best business strategies to meet their needs and form investor controlled companies to anonymously handle their money.
Blauer Fluss Investors Division (anstalt to be formed in Switzerland) will develop and support the investor controlled anstalts. These investor controlled companies will be entirely funded by the investor and the money will be used to acquire real estate identified by the brokerage. After a minimum investment period of 1 year, investors will be allowed to either retain their company as a source of income and/or capital growth or sell their companies at market. A company may be sold at any time after the minimum holding period.
Special points of interest about this corporation include:
• Both Blaues Wasser and Blauer Mond companies with have ownership in Blauer Fluss and minority ownership in the investor controlled companies. This will allow the Group to participate in special-interest contract bids, and regional and national grant procurement, and EU offered business development bond offerings. By having a fiscal interest in the investment vehicle the principles will benefit from income and capital gains of the investment companies.
• Will help management to work towards the development of other avenues of business, including but not limited to educational, recreational, hospitality, agricultural, and marketing of produce.
Based on the current prices in the Real Estate, Management, and Services market, The Group, has the potential of making sales of at least €10,008,798 by year two of the plan. With good management, a revenue growth of 29% annually is expected. The projected ratios at the end of Fiscal Year 2 are:
- Gross Margin 39.35%
- New Profit Margin 0.32%
- Pretax Return on Assets 0.85%
- Return on Equity 2.31%
The return on equity for each investor will be based on their investment. The recession makes these returns unlikely and returns will be reassessed with each transaction to what is realistic.
©copyright Paul Anthony 2011. All rights reserved. All parts of the Business Plan are confidential including the Executive Summary and the reader agrees not to disclose any part without written permission. Disclosure or unauthorised use of the Business Plan may cause serious harm or damage to Anthony. This is a Business Plan. It is NOT an offering of securities.