Licensed in the State of New York
Several investment/development grade properties have come onto the market this week.
- · 125 ha near French city and with excellent access. Suitable for development as winery and AgroTourism. Priced under Euro 10 million plus stock.
- · 250 ha also near French city and sea. Excellent access, small vineyard already has some AgroTourism activities. Suitable for further development. Prices under Euro 5 million plus stock.
These properties are the type that businessmen and politicians in unstable third world countries can safely invest. They can either invest directly in their own names or we can arrange that they invest anonymously through Switzerland etc. At this time of recession profits cannot be guaranteed and we, as a management company, strive to break-even each year, however, the investor may have to top up running costs from his own pocket. What is offered is an investment in the EU in land that, even in the worst of times, is unlikely to loose money over the long haul. I suspect that many in countries such as Zimbabwe wish they had protected their assets in this way and those in power should consider such investment as, as in many developing countries, power is transient.
- · Available from 12 March 2009 is another highly recommended investment property, this time in England. A village plus about 800 ha of farm land is for sale at under Euro 25 million. Rental income is stated as Euro 370,000 per year, this income could be increased by farming the 800 ha of land rather than rental income from the land. This is another property that would appeal to a person wanting to place a large sum of money in a relatively safe investment in a first world county. The asset could be liquidated at some time in the future. If held for a time after the end of the recession a profit could be expected on the investment. I must point out that that income will not service all the expenses but such investments are more secure than conventional financial investments at times of recession.
- · An estate in France of 250+ ha will go on the market today. About 185 ha is cereal and the rest vines. There is a river and lake the property enjoying full riparian rights. It is on the market for under Euro 5 million. I am dubious as to its development value but would suit a person wishing to place money in a relative safe investment during the recession. Such properties are unlikely to decline in value whereas money invested in banks, retail, residential markets are subject to the present volatility of the market. I have not inspected this property as it is new to the market.
By European law I would have to physically set foot on the property to represent as buyer. An official document will be issued proving presence on site at the time of the visit. This is an upfront cost charged to the interested party and is unusually and inclusive fee for travel, inspection legal documents etc. of GBP 10,000.
Even if these properties are not of interest investors, if they require anonymity, would be well advised to set up the investment structure of companies, bank accounts etc. so that they are in a position to move quickly when opportunities to invest arise and lock in the transaction. It takes up to three months to set up an anonymous structure. Investors should be made aware that transactions usually take over six months to close and ownership transferred for estate properties.
From my experience investment quality properties are unlikely to be on the market for long (days and one or two weeks are the norm, NOT months and years) even in recession and if investors are interested they should act immediately.
I am seeking investors interested in buying into these properties, one or more of which would be managed by our group. The properties can also be bought outright by an investor and managed by them self. Visit:
to view proposed management structure (click "invest"). The returns stated can no longer be guaranteed.
If the above structure does not meet your requirements, contact me and I will do my best to construct a program that does!
Go here for more information:
Information deemed correct but not guaranteed.
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